There has to be something said about this complete nonsense that passes as the McCain campaign. Being the President is a very serious and difficult job. How you conduct yourself in the race for the White House is how you show what kind of President you would be. The debates are how you explain your platform to the people you want to vote for you. You can not just stop your campaign!

Old John is denying voters knowledge about himself. How can he seriously run for President and not participate in the debate on Friday? Especially when it's under the guise of running back to Washington to personally oversee the (three page) economic plan which he hasn't read, on a subject he doesn't understand.

This is a political stunt, pure and simple -- and it's because John McCain thinks independent voters are stupid. He's slipping in the polls, Palin is starting to tank, and going back to D.C. has nothing to do with the economy. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say this is about the VP debate as much as (if not more than) the Presidential. Palin has yet to pass GOP class and would do more harm than good. In fact, Biden would crush her. The McCain campaign simply can not let that happen.

McCain, if I'm wrong and this really is no time for politics, pull your ads from TV, stop appearing on the news, and completely divorce yourself from a serious political campaign. Otherwise, you're full of shit.