So the GOP was using Heart's song "Barracuda" to, as I can only assume, keep people awake at their events. Once the members of Heart caught wind of this, they contacted the McCain/Palin camp and asked them to quit using the song. This seems fair enough to me, but the McCain/Palin team has the one up on Heart because the song is licensed and the GOP has paid the blanket royalties to use the song however they see fit. This is where it gets awesome.

Former Heart Guitarist and Co-Writer of "Barracuda," Roger Fisher, has publicly stated that he is endorsing the Democratic Ticket and donating some of the Royalties he gets from the playing of the song to the Obama campaign. That is simply awesome. The Republicans are paying for Obama to run against them. Though it isn't really all that much in the grand sceeme of things, I wonder how long until they sit down and realize it.

I feel guilty for passing this story on already.