Here's what's on my mind right now. Interestingly enough, this gem of clarity was dropped on me by the clerk at my local Cirlcle K. Funny thing is, after some research it checks out. How has this not made it online yet?

According to the (non-profit) Tax Foundation, Alaska continued it's 17 year run as the most tax friendly state in America. In fact, it sounds damn near like a free ride. No income tax, no state sales tax, no state tax at all really. Of all Alaska, only a mere 25 of 161 municipalities/boroughs have property taxes. Incredibly, Alaska seems to have enough extra money in their state sitting around they find it in themselves to give about $2000 each year to everyone in Alaska. Where the hell are they getting all this money?


Through investment and reciprocals in the oil companies in Alaska, the state makes enough money to have no need for taxes. As far as paying for what the state needs, Palin sits down at a table, pulls out the books and shoots a couple ideas around with her advisors and then reaches under the desk to pull out however much she needs. We're talking billions just there at Alaska's disposal. There is no fine balance, no hard work coming up with funds. The oil companies pay for Alaska already. It should be no surprise that she wants to drill more.

How is this VP worthy experience "working a budget?" How do these people sleep at night claiming these things? If a third grade class could count that high, they could do the job. On the honest side though, we can't really blame Palin for this. If the minimal cost of operating in Alaska is enough to pay for Alaska, imagine how much the oil companies must be making. To say the problem here is Palin's fault is about as uncouth as blaming a rape victim. Even a supposedly "qualified" rape victim.