I'll admit that The Rev. Jeremiah Wright was a bad nut, but what might have been worse was the way that the self-opposing Republican party attacked the situation. Can't really blame then though, they smelled the oil blood and found every way to make sure the subject came up. That's why it stings so much when this shit comes back to haunt them.

As if McCain supporter Rev. John Hagee's opinion that Hurricane Katrina was sent by God Himself to punish the homosexuals in New Orleans wasn't soulless enough, we now have the Ohio Mega-Reverend Rod Parsley. Parsley is yet another bigoted McCain supporter whose nod was actively sought by the Republican candidate who has, for your records, yet to refuse Rev. Parsley's endorsement.

Evidently, 100 years isn't how long the war could last, it's how long it should last... or at least until all those demon-led, lesser human Muslims are gone.