Frankly, McCain is being an asshole. Judging by the mistruths and spinning he constantly uses for political gain, it is clear to me now that he thinks the vast majority of Americans are incapable of researching, reading, and/or thinking on their own. Maybe he just doesn't know how the internet works... or what youtube is.

"McCain: By the way, on Friday night, did you ever hear the word victory from Senator Obama?

Crowd: No!

McCain: My friends, if we continue this surge under this great general, we will come home – and our troops will come home – with victory and honor. And not in defeat."

So, Obama is clearly for defeat because he didn't use the word "victory" to describe the state of our two wars that are costing American lives and money every day and leading us closer daily to a confrontation with Iran. I mean, he did say that the surge has been a good thing and everything, but not a victory. I wonder what other kinds of yellow forfeiters wouldn't use the specific word "victory" when they talk about the war?

Damnit, fact checkers... quit having a liberal bias and pointing out the facts about McCain's blatant disregard of the accuracy one would expect a major candidate for U.S. President to have.