Michael Reagan, the adopted son of Ronald Reagan and hate-filled murder inciter(!) recently released an article titled "Welcome Back, Dad," in which he praises Sarah Palin as the (figurative) reincarnation of his late father. You can read the article online and when you're finished come back here to see it picked apart with as much sarcasm as I could stomach.

...Back yet? Here we go:

"In one blockbuster of a speech, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin resurrected my Dad's indomitable spirit and sent it soaring above the convention center, shooting shock waves through the cynical media's assigned spaces and electrifying the huge audience with the kind of inspiring rhetoric we haven't heard since my Dad left the scene."
This, of course, is not the same thing as the emotional sensationalism that the GOP would have everyone believe the Obama fans are caught up in. That would be foolish, as you should remember. Palin's speech was saturated with political substance, an actual plan for America, and solid examples that clearly demonstrated her qualifications for the VP spot... I'm just kidding. It was about keywords, catch phrases, and some good old fashioned Republican mistruths.

Really, her speech was the fiery sensationalism that sparked Palin-mania. It wasn't anything special. Furthermore, I'de argue that Obama has been pretty inspiring since Reagan left office. For that matter, so was Rudy Guilliani back in 2001.

"In a few words she managed to rip the mask from the faces of her Democratic rivals and reveal them for what they are -- a pair of old-fashioned liberals making promises that cannot be kept without bankrupting the nation and reducing most Americans to the status of mendicants begging for their daily bread at the feet of an all-powerful government."
Because the Government would never spend billions of dollars bailing out banks and private non-banks which are bankrupting due a piss-poor-policy induced financial disaster in the country because it's people couldn't pay back their loans (let alone purchase enough bread to put on the table) because of a failing job market as well as a lack of restrictions on how far banks could float interest rates on said people under Republican watch. The fact is that Americans are already at the feet of a Republican government looking for help from inflation, loan default, and home foreclosure.

As far as old fashioned goes, see www.thingsyoungerthanmccain.com.

"Most important, by comparing her own stunning record of achievement with his, she showed Barack Obama for the sham that he is, a man without any solid accomplishments beyond conspicuous self-aggrandizement."

A stunning and highly questionable record of achievements including, but not limited to: Never actually selling that luxury jet on eBay, Using a never-ending bag of oil money to balance Alaska's budget, Not knowing what the VP does, Hiding the truth about her (alleged) misconduct, Raising millions in earmarks, and hiring unqualified friends to run the Alaskan Government. And all this while wearing lipstick. What a gal.

"Sarah Palin didn't go to Harvard, or fiddle around in urban neighborhood leftist activism while engaging in opportunism..."
Yeah, because going to Harvard Law is such a shitty thing to do if you want into public service. Now for a fact check: Then 24 year old Obama worked with churches almost exclusively as a community organizer in Chicago. There was very little political influence at the time as he had yet to attend Harvard. He was a young man doing good. He had no political power or influence at the time. In all reality, he was doing the exact same things churches around this nation do every day. Here is a decent article concerning his CO work.